Student Life
Student Essentials
Take up to 20 classes per school year towards your diploma and explore the following
Career Exploration
Work Readiness
PM School
Theater Club
AP Classes
College Readiness
Tournament Card Playing Club
Paid Internships
Blended learning model
Basketball tournaments
Monthly incentive trips
and much more!
Student Voice
The IDP Podcast Network on Spotify
Deep conversations between students and students, and students and IDP adults about life, and the path to success at IDP and beyond.
IP-PureCreativeArts Music Vide Collaboration
Cake - a music video, starring IDP students and our own poetry inspired by IDP student poetry.
Personal Competencies Meme Project
We are bringing our Personal Competency Rubric to life through a student-generated poster-making project. Our first activity was for students to analyze, give feedback, or create new posters. The results are posted above, and have been printed and posted in the halls and classrooms of IDP!
Featured Work: I'M AFRAID, I'M NEXT: Gun Control in America
Students in Ms. Cherry and Ms. Patryzkont's Participation in Government class researched gun laws, the uniquely troubling history of gun violence in the U.S. through analysis of articles and documentary videos.
They developed their positions on the subject through writing and reflection and, with collaboration from The Media Spot, adapted their writing into a series of productions using online media editing programs to mash-up images, text, music, video, and person-on-the-street interviews. Those pieces, including original "bop poems" workshopped with Truthworker Theater Co. and behind-the-scenes footage of their project-based learning process resulted in this thought-provoking film that showcases the range of perspectives that an IDP class can bring to the table.
Graduation June 2021
Featured Work: Enforced Out
A student produced documentary about the impact of policing practices related to gentrification on the communities in which our students live. Produced in collaboration with our students, ELA teachers, The Educational Video Center, and The Media Spot - with an emphasis on using digital media and technology and media literacy education to activate student voice through authentic, project-based learning. Also see it's sister work Is Justice an Anomly on our Vimeo channel.
Enforced Out was broadcast by the Manhattan Neighborhood Network in August of 2017.